Monday, March 8, 2010

Bloggers Block

I know what you are all thinking, "you can't have writers block already!"  Well nothing good is coming to me now that I have officially started a blog.  My wife has stopped saying, "that would be a good blog post," I guess that is because I haven't said anything blog worthy for over a week.  There were a whole bunch of things that were "worthy" of posts before I started it up, of course I can't think of them now.  I have read about this phenomenon of having an idea then forgetting it when you have a chance to write it, but I never thought that it would effect me.  I promise there will be posts  in the future and I won't take such long breaks in between them.

Until later,


  1. maybe your having performance anxiety!

  2. You're cute!

    I stopped saying, 'That'd make a good blog post' because I promised I would if you started a blog. ;-)

    Write about how frickin' excited you were to get a call from Jay last night. (Dork.)
