Monday, November 29, 2010


Well I have lost a total of fifty pounds.  Over a year ago I was at 286 lbs and decided I should lose some of it.  I start working out and being more active.  Then in July of this year my friends and wife decided that we should have a "Biggest Loser" competition starting in August, not anything officially tied to the TV show just amongst ourselves.  I decided  it was time to buckle down and go for it.  I wanted to be serious so I cut out a ton of sugar, cut portions down to  probably what should be normal, stopped late night eating.  I also kicked up my working out.  It has been working I have steadily been losing the weight.  That is the way they want you to do it, slow and steady.  I know it has been working.  This weekend I went to Gram's to visit the family and they all noticed it. My Gram even said I shouldn't loose anymore.  That is ridiculous, I am continuing on my course.  I recently started doing the P90X workouts, although I am sticking with my diet.  The workouts have me working and hour plus a day and they are tough, I think the Yoga X had me sweating the most and the Plyometrics X had me the sorest so far.  I didn't do all of them yet because of the holiday weekend but I will.  Something that helped me stay on course was keeping track of my weight weekly on a spread sheet for the last 4 months.

One week I gained and I didn't like it, so back on track I was.  The official competition is over after Christmas, we will see where I end up then.


  1. WOW! This is so excellent! You have to feel so good about yourself. Congrats. Keep up the good work.

    Side note - Yoga X is the hardest thing ever! I remember laughing/crying the first time I did it. Also the Dreya roll (which I just sat on the floor and cracked up since I could not do it) is impossible for me still. Do you love or hate Tony? I happen to love him.

    Congrats again!!!!

  2. CONGRATS!! That is so awesome. That is such a great number to hit with weight loss. Keep it is inspiring me as I need to workout!

  3. Way to go B! I started dieting and lost some weight but then hit a wall. I know my problem is not enough exercise but the 10 hour days were killing me but I still haven't gotten on a routine now that I'm back to 8 hr days.
