Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My roots are showing.

I have been eating bananas a lot recently and I started eating my bananas upside down.  Not me hanging upside down, the banana is the one upside down.  Maybe if I could grip a branch with my feet I would be upside down, but I don't have monkey toes.
 If you grip a banana just so,  you can peel it usually easier than grasping the stem and pulling.  Sometimes when the banana is getting extra ripe the stem part practically just falls off and I just peel it that way.  When the banana is less ripe pinching the bottom and pulling is the easiest route into the delicious inside.

Someone told me this is how the monkeys do it.  I tried it this way and discovered these monkeys really know what they are doing.


  1. Love the title! Monkey toes rock!

  2. This is awesome. Just yesterday I peeled a banana over the garbage can and DAMN IT, it dropped into the can because of said squishiness. Good tip.
